Stainless Steel Prefilter Attachment

Ultramicro balances Cubis®

The stainless steel prefilter holder allows the removal of coarse, solid particles from samples for microbiological analysis before and during the actual bacteria retentive filtration. The device is clipped between funnel and base of the stainless steel vacuum filter holders, it can be autoclaved and flamed. 11301, a white cellulose nitrate membrane filter with a pore size of 8 µm is used as the prefilter and it retains the coarse suspended particles from the sample, whereas it allows microorganisms to pass through. These microbes are trapped on the surface of the underlying bacteria-retentive membrane filter (e. g. 0.45 µm). After filtration is complete, the test filter is incubated, and the colonies can grow on the filter surface without disturbance from, or being hidden by, an excess of particles.
  • easy separation of coarse particles

  • made of high grade stainless steel

  • sterilizable